Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Packaging your home for profit

Before you put your home on the market it is important to take time to enhance and package the home for sale.

Once you have made the decision to put your home is on the market, it is important that you look at it as a product for sale. Like any other product the better it is packaged and positioned for the sale the more money and buyers it will attract.

It is critical to enhance the home, even though it may be great, because buyers buy with their emotions and their eyes, and we don't get a second chance to make a good first impression.

Unfortunately, most buyers don't take the time to do this properly. It is unfortunate, because not doing it properly, costs them extra aggravation and sometimes thousands of dollars. They don't do it properly because they feel comfortable there and think that others will also. However, many of these same people would take their car to the carwash to have it detailed before trying to sell it, because they know that properly preparing the car may bring a couple of hundred dollars extra.

To properly package the house, will absolutely require a fresh set of eyes. An objective third party (don't put your friends in the middle of this) will be able to give advise on what changes if any will appeal to a buyer. Someone with experience and knowledge of the market can transfer that knowledge to you so that you can minimize your costs and maximize your profit.

By utilizing reports, checklists, and experience, and when the stakes are really high, possibly multiple sources of outside expertise, you can enhance your home, investing a dollar and returning 3 dollars and sometimes much more.

Yes, this critical step may take some time and some money but in the long run may save much more of both.

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