Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are we selling furniture now?

We have all seen/heard the commercials, because every town seems to have a furniture store that wants us to know, “THERE WILL NEVER BE A BETTER TIME TO BUY FURNITURE.” “THIS WEEKEND ONLY, WE ARE CUTTING PRICES TO THE LOWEST THEY HAVE EVER BEEN.”

While driving to an appointment today, I heard a similar statement on mortgages and realized that mortgages and homes are being marketed the same way. I mean, hasn’t the mantra for both businesses been “prices are down”,” rates are down” and we know “this won’t last.” Isn’t it obvious by now that we don’t know how long it will last? (These economist study it all the time.)

We do know that rates are down and home prices are down, making it less expensive to buy a home.

We do know that inventory is up, and that means options.

We do know that the mortgage interest deduction currently saves money on taxes.

We do know that most people find a sort of satisfaction, from owning rather than renting.

We do know that there is a floor plan and style for every taste and if it’s not available someone will be willing to build it.

We do know that for most, multiple families in homes not really designed for that lifestyle, is a short term solution.

We do know that our population is growing. (I wonder, is the population growing faster since people have less money to spend on out of the house entertainment?)

There are lots of reasons to buy a home, but not because this is your last opportunity. Talk to a real estate professional that understands the reasons people buy homes and the drawbacks, and can make them clear to you. Make good real estate decisions.

For you real estate and mortgage professionals out there, just remember, we shouted that prices and rates were down last summer and it surely wouldn’t last. Well, we were right, they are lower now. Yet there were good reasons for many folks to have bought homes in the last year. By the way, don't forget, when we sell homes we do help funiture sales.

Be great and remember your comments are very much apprteciated.

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